Artificial breeding of nondomestic animals.
Contributors . V
Organizer and Chairmen of Sessions vii
Preface ix
Acknowledgements xi

1. Introduction-Advantages, Difficulties and Dilemmas of Artificial Breeding. C.R.AUSTIN
6. References.
7. The Importance of Photoperiod to Artificial Breeding in Birds K.MURTON
7. Synopsis
8. Photoperiodism in birds
8. The photoperiodic clock.
12. Types of breeding periodicity
17. Breeding cycles in solne captive waterfowl:
21. Co-ordination of behaviour cycles
24. Conclusions
25. References

31. The Principles and Practice of Semen Collection and Preservation in Birds P.E.LAKE
31. Synopsis
33. Introduction
Semen collection
The form of the male reproductive organs pertinent to semen collection procedures
34. Methods of semell collection
35. Semen dilution and preservation.
40. Short term storage of semen
41 Long-term storage at sub-zero temperature
42 Factors affecting fertility following insemination with stored semen
44 Species, breed, strain and crosses
45 Intensity or lay
45 Age of hen and/or advancing season
45 Position of egg in ovidulct
46 Placement of semnen in the oviduct
46 Frequency of insemination
46 Inherent quality of spermatozoa
46 Quality of semen due to management of males and collection procedures
46 Uncertain factors disease, immunity to spermatozoa, nutrition, pollutants
46 References
47 Artificial Insemination for Breeding Non-Domestic Birds G.F.GEE and S.A.TEMPLE
51 Synopsis
51 Introduction
53 General scope of artificial insemination work with non-domestic birds
54 Techniques used for artificial insemination in non-domestic birds
54 Cooperative semen collection from males
54 Cooperative insemination of females
55 Massage semen collection from males
56 Massage insemination of females
57 Collection of semen of electroejaculation
58 Handling of semen specimens
58 Observations on collection of semen from non-domestic birds
58 Duration of semen production
59 Quantities of semen obtained
60 Quality of semen obtained
65 Storage of semen after collection
67 Observations on insemination of female non-domestic birds
67 Comparison of insemination in cloaca and in oviduct
69 Timing of inseminations and duration of fertilizing ability
69 Effects of artificial insemination on egg production
69 Comparison of fertility rates from artificial insemination and natural pairing
69 Conclusions
69 Acknowledgments
70 References

70 Artificial Insemination of Falcons L.L.BOYD
73 Synonsis
73 Introduction
74 Semen collection
75 Semen characteristics
76 Semen storage
76 Insemination, fertility and hatching ability
79 Hybrid characteristics
79 Conclusion
80 Acknowledgements
80 References

80 Artificial Insemination : A Practical Method for Genetic Improvement in Ring-Necked Pheasants J.R.CAIN
81 Synopsis
81 Introduction
82 Methods and materials
83 Cage management studies
83 Artificial insemination studies
83 Genetic studies
84 Results and discussion
84 Cage management studies
85 Artificial insemination studies
87 Genetic studies
87 References

88 A Comparative Study on the cryogenic Preservation of Semen from Sandhill Crane and the Domestic Fowl T.J.SEXTON and G.F.GEE
89 Synopsis
89 Introduction
90 Materials and methods
90 Experiment 1
90 Experiment 2
91 Results and discussion
92 References
95 A Review of Techniques of Semen Collection in Mammals P.F.WATSON
97 Synopsis
97 Introduction
98 Seminal coagulation and gel formation
99 The ideal semen collection technique
100 Classification of methods of semen collection
101 Methods of semen collection
101 Methods involving ejaculation
116 Non-ejaculatory methods
118 Conclusion
118 References.

127 The Principles and Practice of Electroejaculation of Mammals C.A.MARTIN
127 Synopsis
129Physiology of ejaculation
129 Copulatory behaviour of mammals
130 Neurology of erection and ejaculation
131 Effect of drugs on ejaculation
132Review of methods used in electroejaculation
132 Preparation and restraint of the animal
134 Equipment
138 Comparison of semen collected by electroejaculation with that obtained by other methods
138 Studies of the electroejaculation of rams
139 Materials ally methods
140 Results
146 Discussion
148 Acknowledgements
149 References

153 Semen Preservation in Non-Domestic Mammals E.F.GRAHAM, M.K.L.SCHMEHL, B.K.EVENSEN and D.S.NELSON
153 Synopsis
153 introduction
153 Review of literature
153 Deer and reindeer semen (Table 1)
155 Dog semen (Table II)
157 Fox semen (Table III)
157 Mink semen (Table IV)
159 Non human primate semen (Table V)
159 Rabbit semen (Table VI)
161 Semen of miscellaneous mammals
165 Unpublished data
165 Chinchilla semen
165 Mouse semen
166 Semen of miscellaneous mammals
166 Future of frozen semen of endangered species
170 References.

The Detection of Oestrus F.D'SOUZA
175 Synopsis
175 Introduction
177 Methods
178 Hormonal changes
179 Changes in the vaginal contents
186 Laparotomy, laparoscopy and palpation
188 Changes in sites other than the reproductive organs
189 Behavioural changes
189 Conclusions
131 Acknowledgements
191 References

Ovulation Detection and Control Relative to optimal time of Mating in Non-Human Primates W.R.DUKELOW
135 Synopsis
195 Introduction
197 Materials and methods
198 Results and discussion
203 Acknowledgement
204 References

Artificial Breeding of Non-Primates S.SEAGER, D.WILDT and C.PLATZ
207 Synopsis
208 Seven collection
210 Semen preservation
210 Induction of estrus and ovulation
211 Laparoscopy
211 Artificial insemination
216 Conclusion
216 Acknowledgements
217 References.

Artificial Insemination and a Note on Pregnancy Detection in the Non-Human Primate A.G.HENDRICKX, R.S.THOMPSON, D.L.HESS and S.PRAHALADA
219 Synopsis
219 Introduction
220 Semencollection
220 Masturbation/artificial vagina
220 Electroejaculation
222 Consecutive ejaculates
223 Semen evaluation
223 Volume
223 Coagulum
225 Concentration
225 Viability .
226 Motility
226 Abnormal forms
226 Dilution
227 Artificial insemination
229 Vaginal insemination
229 Intracervical insemination
229 Intrauterine insemination
230 Intraperitoneal insemination
230 Semen preservation
230 Cooling
230 Freezing.
233 Potential utility of artificial insemination
233 Breeding
233 Experimental "
234 Methods of pregnancy detection
234 Physical indicators
234 Urine and serum indicators
235 Steroid levels
237 Acknowledgements
257 References.

Artificial Insemination in Foxes J.AAMDAL, J.FOUGNER and K.NYBERG
241 Synopsis
241 Introduction
241 Materials and methods
241 Collection and processing of semen
242 Insemination technique
242 Results
247 Conclusions
247 References

Successful Artificial Insemination in the Chimpanzee D.E.MARTIN, C.E.GRAHAM and K.G.GOULD
249 Synopsis
249 Introduction
250 Case history
255 Discussion
258 Acknowledgements
259 References

Studies on Handling Spermatozoa from the African Elephant, Loxodonta africana R.C.JONES 261 Synopsis
261 Introduction
262 Materials and methods
263 Results
266 Discussion
268 Acknowledgement
296 References

Observations on the Artificial Breeding of Red Deer A.KRZYWIiSKI and Z.JACZEWSKI
271 Synopsis
271 Introduction
272 Materials and methods
272 Experimental animals
273 Methods of semen collection
277 Freezing of semen
277 Detection of oestrus in hinds
278 Artificial insemination of hinds
278 Results
278 Semen collection
280 Characteristics of the collected semen
280 Recurrence of oestrus in hinds
281 Artificial insemination
281 Discussion
285 Acknowledgements
285 References

The Collection, Handling and Some Properties of Marsupial Semen J.C.RODGER and G.WHITE
289 Synopsis
290 Introduction marsupial reproduction
290 The male
290 The female
293 Collection of from marsupials: early work
295 Semen collection from marsupials by electroejaculation
295 Animal restraint
295 Rectal probes and characteristics of the electrical stimuli
297 Results of electrical stimulation
297 The handling of marsupial semen
297 Coagulation and gel clots
297 Cold shock
298 Dilution, washing and incubation of possum spermatozoa
298 The biochemistry of marsupial semen
298 Biochemistry of the seminal plasma
299 The metabolism of spermatozoa from brush-tailed possum
300 Acknowledgements
300 References

Embryo Transfer and Embryo Preservation C.POLGE
303 Synopsis
303 Introduction
305 The supply of embryos
307 Collection and transrer of embryos
309 Preservation of embryos
312 References

Handling and Sedation for Procedures Associated with Artificial Breeding D.M JONES
317 Synopsis
317 Introduction
318 Reproductive studies in mammals
318 Monitoring reproductive cycles and pregnancy diagnosis
321 Semen collection and insemination
322 Reproductive studies in birds
327 Conclusions
328 References

Disease Control in Semen Transfer and Artificial Insemination G.F.SMITH
329 Synopsis
329 Introduction
303 Pre-entry health control
331 Brucellosis
331 Tuberculosis
331 Trichomoniasis
332 Vibriosis
332 Johne's disease
332 Leptospirosis
332 Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis/infectious pustular vulvovaginitis
333 Foot-and-mouth disease
333 Leucosis
333 Bluetongue
333 Mycoplasmosis
334 On-centre health controls
334 Bull studs and semen control
334 Staff and semen control
335 Semen handling at field level
335 The international trade in semen distribution
336 Conclusions
337 References

339 Concluding Remarks J.D.SKINNER
343 References
345 Author Index
359 Subject Index